Virtual Library for Self Study

Virtual Library for Self Study
  • You can join for improvements through subscribe the Virtual Library for Study Study and sit in the front of other students through Video Calls and complete your targets as per your own schedule in this way, you can improve your sitting our and reduce other distractions.
  • Once your self-study has completed, join for Regular Group Discussion for fast revision, this will improve your understanding at advance level, because many students ( 6 to 10) will be discuss on same topic for 1.5 hrs.’ per day per chapter as per targets.
  • If you need 1-1 discussion Partner, we will help to connect
  • For Check yourself, you can join Free MTP (Mock Test Papers) just before 15 Days of Exam Date.
  • Why you are waiting, subscribe the lectures and classes now

Mandatory Rules:-

1) As you join, switch on the Video immediately or within 5 mins.

2) After you join, you have to study for atleast 1 Hr. 

3) You should wear proper clothes.

4) Your sitting position should not distract anyone. Pls avoid mobile in front of the screen, No phone call allowed. 

5)Your device (laptop/mobile) should be fixed -don’t touch your devices again & again, it create distraction to others. Your camera angle must be placed in such way that your face should appear clearly without any object in between.  

6) Tables and chairs are mandatory or you can sit on the Ground/floor but beds are not allowed.

7) Set a target for a session and try to achieve your target within a session, when you achieve your target within a session , it will help to boost your confidence.

Enter the library with your real name follow by subject name only like if My name is ABC and studying Direct Tax than rename as :- ABC # DT

Invite your needy friends only

Main Virtual Library only for verified Students

  1. Registered and verify first
  2. Open 24*7 Hours 
  3. Host available
  4. Target Based Study
  5. Friendly Environments
  6. Rules are mandatory
  7. Guide on Saturday/ Sunday

  Doubt Solving